  • 5 Bewertung(en) - 4.2 im Durchschnitt
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Fewest Moves Challenge
#1 Mit und ohne Limit:

EO auf Inverse: B D U' F
switch und viele Blöcke: R * F2 U L

Dann nur noch Mist gefunden...

switch zurück und L3C: L2 D R' D R D2 B2 D R' D2 R2 D R2 D R2 D'

* = R' D R U' R' D' R U

Solution: D R U' R' D' R U F2 U L D R2 D' R2 D' R2 D2 R D' B2 D2 R' D' R D' L2 F' D' U B'

30 moves.
#2 Mit und ohne Limit:

2x2x3: R2 F U2 R2 U L2 F2 R' B'
L3C: L' D' L D' L2 B' D L D2 L' D' * B D2 L'

* = U F' U' B' U F U' B

Solution: R2 F U2 R2 U L2 F2 R' B' L' D' L D' L2 B' D L D2 L' D' U F' U' B' U F U' B2 D2 L'

30 moves.
#3 mit und ohne Limit:

Pseudo-2x2x3+Blöcke: B R L U2 B' U B U * F' U2 R2
L3C: D' F' D2 F' D' L D2 L'

* = U' R U L2 U' R' U L2

Solution: B R L U2 B' U B R U L2 U' R' U L2 F' U2 R2 D' F' D2 F' D' L D2 L'

25 moves.

Mean mit und ohne Limit: 30, 30, 25 = 28.33
Hey guys :D I'am a brazilian and i dont speak germany :P... But i really like this challenge and i will try to make every week :D (my english is not good too :P but i think is understandable...)

My one-hour attempt: (Mean 29.33)

1º: 32 moves
2º: 23 moves (really lucky one)
3º: 33 moves

No limit time attempt: (Mean 26.66)

1º: 29 moves
2º: 23 moves (same solution at one-hour attempt)
3º: 28 moves

I found the optimal insertion in all solutions :D I am really happy about that
Ps: how can i put the solutions in a spoiler?
You are welcome to join this competition Smile
[ spoiler ]

[ / spoiler ]
Without the blanks
[Bild: img.php?id=2011fres01&ranking=NR&event_1...nt_3=333bf]

Thx Linus Big Grin
1. Scramble mit Limit :
Solution // F B2 U' L U' R2 U F U2 B' D' B' D B' D' U L U' L' U' F U F' L D' B' D F' D' B D F D - 33 Moves

1. Scramble ohne Limit :
Solution // F B2 U' L U' R2 U F U2 B' D' B' D B' D' L D F L F' L2 U' R U L U' R' U - 28 Moves

Neue PB ! Aber eigentlich bin ich fast enttäuscht da es nur knapp über 1 Stunde war, und ich noch während dieser es auch mal so gelöst hatte ...

2. Scramble mit Limit :
Solution // R2 F U R2 U2 F2 D R' D L2 D L D B' D' L' D2 L' D' L' F D' B' D F' D' B R D' L' D R' D' L D' - 35 Moves

2. Scramble ohne Limit :
Solution // R2 F U R2 U2 L2 F2 D' R' D' B' D B D2 B' F L F' L' F L' F' L F L2 U' F' D F U F' D' - 32 Moves

3. Scramble mit Limit : DNF

Es wollte kaum unter 40 gehen Sad
#1 mit und ohne Limit
Solution: F2 D B2 D' F2 D B2 F2 D' L F2 L' F2 D' L D' F2 D2 B D' F' D B' D B2 U' L U2 B (29 Moves)

#2 mit und ohne Limit
Solution: F L' F' B2 L B2 L' B R' B' L B R' L' B2 L' F R F R F2 R2 U' B' L B R B' L' F (30 Moves)

#3 mit und ohne Limit
Solution: B' U F' D2 R' B2 L U B2 F' L B2 L' F U' R2 U L2 U' R2 U L' B L' B2 L' R' D'(28 Moves)

Mean: 29, 30, 28 -> 29.0
mit Limit:
28.33 Sébastien
29 Marcel P

ohne Limit:
26.66 jpbrc
28.33 Sébastien
29 Marcel P

mit Limit:
32/23/DNF jpbrc
30/30/25 Sébastien
29/30/28 Marcel P
28/29/DNF Linus F
31/DNS/DNS Laura
33/35/DNF Bubtore

ohne Limit:
29/23/28 jpbrc
30/30/25 Sébastien
28/32/DNF Bubtore
29/30/28 Marcel P
28/29/DNF Linus F
31/DNS/DNS Laura

Neue scrambles:
1. L2 F' L2 D' B R F2 U2 F' R' U2 R2 U' L2 F2 D' F2 U2 R2 L2
2. L2 R2 D2 R2 U2 B2 L2 B' U2 R' D2 U' B L' U R' U2 L2 D'
3. B2 U2 B F2 U2 L2 D2 R2 F R2 D L2 D' U' R B' L' B' F' U'
[Bild: img.php?id=2011fres01&ranking=NR&event_1...nt_3=333bf]

Omg so sick the third solution... The two wrong pieces ended in the back and i dont saw Sad

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